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Porto Rotondo

The development of tourism in Porto Rotondo took place thanks to the Counts of Donà delle Rose, a noble family from Venice, who decided to transform the bay of “Poltu Ridundu” into a high-level accommodation location, influenced by their town of birth: in fact, the square of Piazzetta San Marco in Porto Rotondo, where the Colonna San Marco Hotel stands, gets its name from the better-known square of the same name in Venice. Numerous places of interest and tourist attractions have been developed since the end of the 1960s in the wake of the Venetian family's far-reaching intuition.

Nevertheless, the square of Piazzetta San Marco is undoubtedly the place that best represents the spirit of the artists and of intellectuals who brought this well-known area to life. It is indeed thanks to the very central position of Piazzetta San Marco that the hotel's management chose it as the location for their hotel!

A unique opportunity to breathe and dive into the world of high society and nightlife and all the fun that this splendid seaside locality has to offer.

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al Hotel Colonna San Marco
1921 - 2021 Chent'annos!
100 anni di ospitalità italiana